RI 506: Risk Management

04 Aug

RI 506: Risk Management | VAR | Virtual

RI 506: Risk Management | VAR | Virtual

Wednesday, August 4, 2021 (9:00 AM) to Thursday, August 5, 2021 (12:30 PM)
6 Hrs Legal Updates CE; 3 Hrs Escrow; 3 Hrs Risk Management PL Education Credits
Virginia REALTORS® Virtual Classroom

You're Registered!
You worked hard for your license and you want to ensure you keep it by managing your risk. This class will expose the ways you could end up in a lawsuit and, most importantly, how to avoid one. Students will get a crash course on risk management, escrow, equal services, environmental concerns, and state and federal regulations such as lead paint and anti-trust. Learn to protect yourself and your business.

CE/PL Approved: 6 Hours Legal Update with Flood Content for CE; 3 Hours Risk Management and 3 Hours Escrow Requirements for PL

NOTE:  You must attend both days.

Virginia REALTORS® Virtual Classroom
Virginia REALTORS® Virtual Classroom

Nancy Pav

If you must cancel, a refund will be processed (minus an administrative fee).  No refunds if the class is cancelled within 24 hours of the start.